Thursday, June 06, 2013

cream roll mutton roll chicken roll ham

Does anyone remember / know this hand-clap (?) game?

Ham cheese
Ham butter
Sauce potato
chip chip chip
Sauce potato
chip chip chip

Which us vegetarians ofcourse converted to:

Yam cheese
Yam butter
Sauce potato
chip chip chip
Sauce potato
chip chip chip

No, I don't know why the last but one line was spared the veg conversion.


Speaking of rolls.  I've learnt that I'm somewhat addicted to roleplaying games.
See what I did there.

Ok, the alternative was for me to talk about how
I'm no playah
but I ama role playa

Well, let's not get kinky carried away here. I'm talking about phone apps, video games and computer games. Let's see, on my phone I have:

(a) A farm;
(b) A dinosaur park (Jurassic Park mind you);
(c) A clan;
(d) A modernfashiongirl yo (pointless app where you have boyfriends by flirting with them and buying them gifts and then if you kiss them lots they will buy you gifts - the app lets you know what gifts you can expect from what boys before you 'date' them and once you get the gift you want you break up with them and move on to the next one.  All these gifts along with clothes you buy from...

Ok, this could take a while. Let me get into it though:

A - Girl gets a haircut and a job at some fashion place.  The level at which she works depends on how many points her outfit earns her. Each outfit item is marked (shoes - 5, handbag -7, so on)
B - Girl gets money from job so she can (i) woo men (ii) buy more clothes.
C - Girl gets stuff from guy which also have points.
D - Girl upgrades outfit, ditches guy, moves up the ladder at work, earns more money


Anyhow, continuing
(e) A monster pet shop;
(f) Hot dog bush (where GBush has to make hot dogs and sell it to people and go up to setting up a restaurant somewhere fancy); need I go on?

Then I have LA NOIRE on my xbox which I love.
Then I have SIMS 3.

Now SIMS 3 is a whole different obssession ha.  I justify it saying it's like having a giant moving interactive doll house (which it is). But once I start, I go on for hours and I (actually) forget to BLINK. So my eyes get fucked.

Alright, enough of this for now.


I love saying Brah. Not like the underwear, but the stylised BRO. 

What's up Brah.

But my phone always corrects this to Brag.
This correcting thing is a piss off.  Here's a conversation with Husbu today:

Husb: I'm having sambar rice at saravan bhavan.
V: Oh, have a parrot
V: A parrot
V: A parota
V: Geez
V: I love their parrots
Husb: !

ok bye



Unknown said...

Thanks for all your efforts that you have put in this. very interesting information.
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Selena Gomez said...

Egg Mutton Roll is amazing.......
chowringhee kathi roll

Unknown said...

Nice blog!! Looks delicious, feel like grabbing the roll right away. Thank you Mutton Roll

Anonymous said...

it's a game not a cooking recipe...

Anonymous said...

Lmao I remember this game and miss those days

Bobsandvegans said...

Very insightful thank you for your efforts❤️💋