thought it was one of those mornings when you pop out of bed happy. "im gonna kick this days ass".you decide to get dressed nice. have a healthy breakfast and pay attention in class. come back to room after a heavy lunch . "siesta!". and then read some. eat some. have long walk with boy.
Man proposes.. pfft
Didnt exactly pop out of bed. but was happy. "smiley". the breakfast.. well it was horrible. but its ok we move on. managed to pay attention in three out of four classes. (pat on the back sweet)
dun dun dun DUNN.
its not that bad really. managed to salvage bits of it. attempted a tolkien quiz without having read any of his books. got 3/36. even managed to have fun for a bit. thanks to some
bored. tired. restless.
jump jump jump jump jump