Wednesday, June 19, 2013

ask me any question and I'll tell you no lies

go on

Ok, what is your biggest fear?

no lies.



plop plop plop plop

I like these Mumford & Sons fellows a lot.  I wouldn't say I love all their songs, but I do like quite a few. Discovery thanks to JANGO radio.

I wonder why its called JANGO radio.  Well, I added the ALL CAPS effect, they just go by Jango. But I feel, no wait, I feel that a word like Jango demands ALL CAPS treatment. JANGO. I mean, it wants to end with an exclamation mark. Its calling out for it, ignoring that would make no sense.


No, I'm not Trying to sound like a fool....

Your face sounds like a fool.


Yesterday is history, tomorrow's a mystery,
today's a gift, which is why its called the present.

That makes some sense, fine. But, but
the future, noone knows what the future holds. I'd say that was the gift
and the future should've been called present.
Today could be called history as much as yesterday, who kheyres.


I write a lot of stuff I say in conversation to my husband down here. He never reads my blog.


Hi Sneha