Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Zero Mile Stone

for those interested, this is what the zero mile stone looks like. Its kept like a dump and smells like a dump. But i wasnt complaining. (much)


I had the most amazing cheesecake.
I had oranges.
I got to dress up in my new clothes.
I got to go to nagpur and see the zeromilestone. Which marks the center of British India.
I got to swing, on a swing.
I had nice italian salad.
I got to stay in a single room, with attached bathroom for three days.
I spoke to a hoopler. for a long time, and laughed a lot.
I got chacha chaudhary stamps. (free with the books) (some triangular ones also)
I am going home this weekend.


हिन्दी मे वार्तालाप

मेरा नाम वीना है। मैं नाल्सर नाम के एक महाविद्यालय मैं पद्थी हूँ।
कम्बक्थ इश्क है जो, सारा जहाँ है वह। येः ही येः । येः ही येः।

अब मैं चलती हूँ।