When life gets good, its good
When it gets too good to be true, its super
But there is always that nagging feeling
This can’t be right (therefore the too good to be ‘true’ bit hitting its mark).
If I’m this happy, I’m about to get that sad.
It is not a joke. It is not a myth. It is true.
Life gets good, then it gets too good to be true, then it all comes crashing down.
This is only to let you have a good grip in reality.
Its an external survival support mechanism.
Nice cold splash.
One tight slap.
A kick – If you’ve watched Inception you would know what this means.
That nice feeling of falling.
You need that, to bring you back to your accepted reality.
Your life is not comfy and perfect.
This is good
This way you know you’re alive and not dreaming.
Thank you for always being that kick, that tight slap, that cold splash. Does not make me love you, but I understand, you are only doing this to keep me alive. Sad, but very alive.
Now, let me show you out