Wednesday, April 07, 2010

No harm done

It was not the first time she’d allowed her mind to take her to another world;

the trip always familiar and comforting.

She knew her heart and mind had conspired and created these parallels to her life,

assuring her that these worlds would stay in her head,

that they would buffer her sanity, absorb the hit when it hit.

The point was forgotten, that after one visit too many

the very heart and mind which helped create these so-called guardian lies;

her safety nets and happy place,

would stand confused.

Reality always seeking to escape into imagination.

There was harm done, there was help needed

Who is now going to convince her.

Who knew anymore, which worlds were built and which ones were run away from.

Day dreaming is not for the weak,

addictive and just out of reach.

Wear your armour and approach with caution.