Tuesday, June 06, 2006


she woke up

she stepped out of herself and saw the world for what it was.
what she called reality was a translucent dream.

she could see through it.

into what

the truth she says. she hears herself say.
the truth

that she has been living in a dream.
those she loved were illusions.

they do not exist.
they will leave soon.

she will leave them soon.

she is confused.

if reality is not real.


'ignorance was bliss' she hears herself think.
if that could be called ignorance.

she felt like she did when lying back on the grass and looking up at the night sky.
how endless it seemed.

what lay beyond all those stars planets galaxies. wondering

mind slipping.


of death ?


Anonymous said...

every memory becomes a burden

rorschach said...

ignorance can be quite a bliss....cant it??

ma when u write why dont u first just let go and put down wats on ur mind. that way u can reflect upon urself in ur own purest form and then add frills and remove insecurities. the reason i say this is well ur lines....well they are nice n all but they seem too damn refined. u seem to be thinkin about ur thots. that way u can lose part of wat ur really really thinkin.
im not saying this as advise on bloody literary techniques. im just suggestin a mode to access ur own thots better (if that at all is why u write sometimes).
its nice to see u try and get abstract into ur mind, but such random abstractness maybe a way to hide something from oneself or lie to oneself. after all who cares who else u lie to.

but it was pleasure to read. the only piece in ur blog that really hit somethin hence i wrote an epic here. sorry if its unwanted and pls feel free to ignore.

n good to know u feel a certain lack of ignorance in ur life...hahahaha!!

(ps: sorry i mean no harm or insult. just a good laugh devoid of malice. honest.)

rorschach said...

ignorance can be quite a bliss....cant it??

ma when u write why dont u first just let go and put down wats on ur mind. that way u can reflect upon urself in ur own purest form and then add frills and remove insecurities. the reason i say this is well ur lines....well they are nice n all but they seem too damn refined. u seem to be thinkin about ur thots. that way u can lose part of wat ur really really thinkin.
im not saying this as advise on bloody literary techniques. im just suggestin a mode to access ur own thots better (if that at all is why u write sometimes).
its nice to see u try and get abstract into ur mind, but such random abstractness maybe a way to hide something from oneself or lie to oneself. after all who cares who else u lie to.

but it was pleasure to read. the only piece in ur blog that really hit somethin hence i wrote an epic here. sorry if its unwanted and pls feel free to ignore.

n good to know u feel a certain lack of ignorance in ur life...hahahaha!!

(ps: sorry i mean no harm or insult. just a good laugh devoid of malice. honest.)

eV said...

Death is the ultimate unknown.

But well, one could say that about life also.

sidhrt said...

lines on paper needn't (and are not, usually) the only means to self-realisation

and though what my masked friend says about 'letting go' might hold good against some others i know, i dont think its applicable in this case.

i think the abstraction in question serves to link individual realities with the larger canvas of life


karthik said...

alo... caught u thru orkut... neat post... reflections on life after matrix-movie-marathon?

Meenakshi said...

heh.. i wish

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »