Sunday, October 19, 2008

end of psychogirl.

starting up a brand new day

I have so much work to do and no will to do it. Any post I write now is going to sound like I've been locked up in a dungeon to be released to the lions. Um. or some such thing. As you might have made out from the last post. Hum.

Now and then I decide to start my life over. I am yet to succeed. Not that my life sucks that I need to, but I suppose a general desire for change has crept in. This coming from a person who detests change. But, well, I turned a new age recently (ahem) and I think its time to turn over a new leaf and maybe finally grow up.

Boring as that sounds. Its time to kiss psychogirl goodbye. Ok maybe a pat on the back will do.


1 comment:

Cheeky said...

Noooooooooooooooooo! :P