Friday, May 21, 2010

what have you done Madonna

My ipod was on shuffle last night as I was taking a taxi home. This song by Madonna called 'love profusion' started playing. There was a time in college when I'm pretty certain I had this song on repeat for three weeks straight and a few weeks after. I loved this song. It used to be on my phone, my ring tone, on repeat on my laptop, favourite song on my ipod, I used to play it in other people's rooms when I went out of mine.

This wasn't the first, last or only song that's consumed a nice big chunk of my life this way. There have been others.

When those songs play, there's always a sense of nostalgia. I can remember the exact feel of my life as it was then. I feel like I've recorded away a bit of me in these songs. People I loved then, things I was obsessed with, the food I liked to eat a lot, the clothes I wore - it all comes flooding back.


Love profusion. The song played once last night. I played it again. Nothing. I played it again.

I couldn't remember a thing. I couldn't imagine why I would have ever liked the song. I couldn't see how I could have let it consume so much of my time. I could not remember the person I was when I used to listen to the damn thing. At all.

The song took the memory of me then and hid it away. Unlike the other nice songs which give me my memory back each time I play them.

What a bitch.

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