Hello my blog readers,
I have decided to start a new blog. Its called wonderbotdiaries.blogspot.com. You can find it in my list of blogs. I had originally started this blog with inspiration by James Kochalka. (He draws a comic for each day of his life and puts it up on his website, and its very entertaining). Well, eventually it just turned into a vent and bitch blog for me to write about all that was going wrong with my life - with noone but me to read it, but it was a dear diary blog. You understand.
Anyway, since I have been drawing a bunch of pointless little 'comic strips' on and off this blog, I have decided to try a new project and see if I can come up with one for at least two days in my week which describes something which happened to me in my life in that week.
Not very sure if I should set two fixed days seeing as the Photo(s) of the (wednes)day thing was not sustained (by me). In any event, this is the plan, thought I would let you guys know. Please to also check my sexy new blog and await small snippets on my life.
Why am I doing this? Some sense of purpose. I have always wanted to be an artist, or a photographer. I have always told myself these can be my hobbies as I pursue a professional course etc. Well, it turns out I have found no time to make my hobbies meaningful, no time to learn more and do more. Then I watched this movie Julie and Julia where she just sets this plan for herself. She decides shes stuck in a job she hates (which is not really the case with me) and she is super at cooking - so her husband asks her to try out every recipe in Julia Child's cookbook in a year. Its a challenge, and aim to follow through and her cooking gets better and everyones happy and theres also a blog involved somewhere.
Ok enough of this now. I hope to come through on this idea - let's see where it goes.
Thank you
you could become stephan.
there are still no posts on this blog of yours. Just thought you should know.:)
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